Advantages of Teaching at a Montessori School

Montessori school teachers tend to love their work. One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a Montessori teacher is getting to educate children in special ways while helping them reach their fullest potential in all areas of life—cognitive, social, emotional, and physical.

The teaching method at Montessori schools is unique and gives teachers a chance to develop the whole child using a scientifically proven approach. Montessori schools provide an opportunity for children to follow their own passions at their own pace. Materials are designed to encourage independent exploration and have built-in self-correcting features. Teachers at Montessori schools are often thought of as “guides” as opposed to instructors. They are there to help facilitate the learning experience, rather than determine what it will look like.

This non-traditional approach can help open up many doors and opportunities that would not otherwise be experienced by teachers at other types of schools. For instance, Montessori teachers have the chance to work with kids of various ages simultaneously instead of being restricted to teaching one grade level. They also get to work with a child for several years which benefits both the child and the teacher in terms of gaining a greater understanding of the child and make a greater impact.

Montessori teachers take the lead from children in the classroom while still ensuring that rules are followed. They encourage students to focus on hands-on work that interests them, creating a rich learning experience. A Montessori teacher should strive to remain as unobtrusive as possible, which can many times lead to an even more trusting relationship between them and their students.

These mutually beneficial relationships formed in Montessori classrooms makes for a more enjoyable and personable learning experience for the children. In turn, Montessori teachers are usually teaching students who not only want to be there, but also are eager to learn and better themselves as individuals.

On top of all of these other benefits of being a Montessori teacher, Montessori schools also tend to have a low student-teacher ratio. Most public and private schools have ratios of 20:1 and sometimes higher. Fewer students allow Montessori teachers to build deeper connections with and give more individual attention to their students.

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